The original agroforestry project
In 2005, two fresh graduated engineers called Antoine VULLIEN and Flore MOSER decided to dedicate their life to sustainable development. At the beginning, their purpose was to continue an agroforestry project initiated by Antoine VULLIEN during his end-of-study internship spent in an ecuatorian high school. Within a few weeks, Ishpingo foundation was born.
After one year of volontary reforestation work the two members of Ishpingo got a pretty good idea of the long-term project they wanted to run. Nevertheless good will and strong motivation are not enough to achieve something so Antoine and Flore wrote down every aspects of that project on a paper and began to spread it among the ecologist NGO community in order to find partners as well as getting financial supports.
The following PDF document, written in french language, served us as a guiding thread from 2007 to 2011.
Check out the presentation of Ishpingo
Summary of the 5 first years
There are times when one should stop rushing head down and look back to what have been achieved. Those periods of reflexion might seem as a waste of time regarding to the hudge amount of work remaining. However they allow to levy criticism and to point out the issues we encountered on the different agroforestry projects we ran. This is a good exercice to find new solutions and to improve the way we usually proceed. Thus in 2011 we took that time to think with the support of several trainees and here’s the result.
The summary we’re speaking about is available below. Please note it’s written in french language.
Check out the first 5 years summary
Agroforestry projects and participative reforestation
In 2013 we met people working for a famous foundation called Goodplanet. We manage to convince them to make a financial partnership to multiply and to diversify the actions of Ishpingo foundation in Ecuador. Firstable we committed ourselves on a big reforestation plan. We had to plant 50,000 trees in two years for at least 150 kichwas beneficiaries.
A detailed presentation of the ambitious reforestation program run from 2014 to 2015 is avaiable below. Please note it’s written in french language.
Check out the presentation of this program
Sale of fruits from reforestation
The succes of the reforestation program we described above led to the 2 years extention of the initial financial partnership made with GoodPlanet foundation. Goals are nevertheless slightly different. We have to follow up on the fruit trees plantation that poped out during our participative agroforestry actions, to make feasibility study to put the fruits on the local market, to create a productors association as well as setting up a fair trade cooperative.
The summary of the first part of this project which took place in 2016 is available below. Please note it’s written in french language.
Fruit production and sales channel
Our funders and other financial supports allowed us to move forward into developping a real agricultural sector. Its purpose is producing, processing and selling fruits and derived products on the local market.
Trees grow, production increases, customers are loyal, producers association becomes more professional. With the support of the « Maison du Monde » foundation our goals for 2018 are ambitious.
What’s up next? Reforestation and preservation of intact forests, construction and equipment of a small factory and get into the national market.
The summary of our 2017 activities is available below. Please note it’s written in french language.
#6 Reforestation and fair trade in the Amazon
Aim : Preserving forest areas and biodiversity in South America.
The following document is a comprehensive summary (written in french) of the actions lead by Ishpingo foundation from mars 2018 to mars 2019.
2018 activity report
#7 Reforestation and fair trade in the Amazon – Year 2
Going into production with the factory, reforestation and native populations training, here is the traditional summary (written in french) of the actions we lead in 2019.
2019 activity report